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Autor Voice of America (Organization
Dostupné dokumenty od tohoto autora

American sociology; perspectives, problems, methods, / Talcott Parsons
Názov : American sociology; perspectives, problems, methods, Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Talcott Parsons ; Voice of America (Organization Vydavateľ: New York : Basic Books Dátum vydania: [1968] Stránkovanie: xxii, 346 p. Veľkosť: 22 cm Všeobecná poznámka: Based on material prepared for the Forum series of the Voice of America. Číslo MDT: 301/.0973 Abstrakt: Based on material prepared for the Forum series of the Voice of America. American sociology; perspectives, problems, methods, [printed text] / Talcott Parsons ; Voice of America (Organization . - New York : Basic Books, [1968] . - xxii, 346 p. ; 22 cm.
Based on material prepared for the Forum series of the Voice of America.
Číslo MDT: 301/.0973 Abstrakt: Based on material prepared for the Forum series of the Voice of America. Rezervovať
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