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Autor Joint Center for Urban Studies
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Computer methods in the analysis of large-scale social systems / James M. Beshers
Názov : Computer methods in the analysis of large-scale social systems Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: James M. Beshers ; Joint Center for Urban Studies Údaje o vydaní (edition statement): 2d ed. Vydavateľ: Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press Dátum vydania: [1968] Stránkovanie: vii, 266 p. Layout: illus Veľkosť: 26 cm Všeobecná poznámka: Reissue with revisions of the proceedings of a conference held at the Joint Center for Urban Studies in October 1964. Číslo MDT: 300/.1/8 Abstrakt: Reissue with revisions of the proceedings of a conference held at the Joint Center for Urban Studies in October 1964. Computer methods in the analysis of large-scale social systems [printed text] / James M. Beshers ; Joint Center for Urban Studies . - 2d ed. . - Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, [1968] . - vii, 266 p. : illus ; 26 cm.
Reissue with revisions of the proceedings of a conference held at the Joint Center for Urban Studies in October 1964.
Číslo MDT: 300/.1/8 Abstrakt: Reissue with revisions of the proceedings of a conference held at the Joint Center for Urban Studies in October 1964. Rezervovať
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