GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
da|ra Registration agency for social and economic data
da|ra Service Level
Service level agreement for DOI registration
A g reem e n t fo r regu latin g the contractual relation sh ip b etw e en GESIS-Leibniz-
Institute fo r the Social Sciences as one o f the op erators o f the registration agency
da|ra and the sign ing Consortium O rganization to enable DOI registration s o f
digital objects o f the Consortium O rganization. The da|ra P olicy has been noted
w ith ap p rova l in its p resen t valid version , and it is part o f this agreem ent. The
effective da|ra P olicy can be re trie v ed through the In tern et p resence o f da|ra
(cu rren tly w w w .d a -ra .d e l

Zoznam priložených súborov:
darra-Service-Level-Agreement-cb.pdf ]