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Newcomers from Ukraine in Brno one year after the full-scale Russian invasion: From “temporary” and “low-skilled” migration to social reproduction of “low skillfulness

Sociologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v. v. i.

26. 4. 2023 o 13.30

S prednáškou

Newcomers from Ukraine in Brno one year after the full-scale Russian invasion: From “temporary” and “low-skilled” migration to social reproduction of “low skillfulness"


Ing.  Petr Mezihorák, PhD. 
Sociologický ústav SAV, v.v.i 

Prednáška bude v anglickom jazyku v miestnosti č. 94 na Klemensovej 19. v Bratislave 

I will present the preliminary assumptions of the research that examines the life trajectories of refugees from Ukraine who arrived in Brno, Czechia, after the Russian invasion. In particular, I will focus on the relationship between paid work and social reproduction in the lives of refugees, paying attention to the interaction of their individual aspirations and the institutional environment. The research has three sources of data: first, ethnographic research carried out between 2018 and 2022 in the settings of public and non-profit institutions focused on the integration of newcomers in Brno. Second, semi-structured interviews with representatives of some of these institutions and participant observations of their meetings, conducted in autumn 2022, and third ongoing narrative interviews with refugees from Ukraine who settled in Brno, I have been conducting since January 2023. The research is done in collaboration with Mgr. Lucie Čemová from the Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, and I would like to present it to you as ongoing research whose framework is only inductively emerging and is therefore open to discussion to help us improve it. Due to the provisional nature of the conclusions (or rather assumptions), the presentation will therefore only be departmental and non-public.