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Epistemologies of Collaboration: Lessons from an Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing

V stredu (15.6.2022) o 13.30 sa uskutoční seminár SÚ SAV. Seminár prebehne hybridnou formou.

S prednáškou Epistemologies of Collaboration: Lessons from an Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing.

na ňom vystúpi docentka Pauline Garvey, riaditeľka postgraduálnych štúdií, katedra antropológie, Maynooth University. Pauline Gravey pôsobí v júni 2022 ako hosťujúca výskumníčka na Sociologickom ústave SAV.

Krátky popis príspevku: Anna Tsing (2009) has argued that it is ironic that in a field such as social-cultural anthropology we are less open to seeing our work as a social product than our colleagues in the hard sciences. In this presentation I will first present findings from the project The Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing (ASSA) and reflect on the epistemological implications of collaboration as a writing process and engine for theoretical development.

Prednáška bude v anglickom jazyku. Seminára sa môžete zúčastniť buď prezenčne na Sociologickom Ústave SAV na Klemensovej 19 v miestnosti č. 105, alebo online prostredníctvom platformy ZOOM.

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85877475840?pwd=VStBTzEva1dqZk9FV0t2S0xDeGI2QT09