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Living with Clutter: everyday moralities, relationships and the power of things
V stredu 19. 5. o 13.30 sa uskutoční seminár Sociologického ústavu SAV. Seminár prebehne online.
S prednáškou Living with Clutter: everyday moralities, relationships and the power of things na ňom vystúpi Dr. Sofie Woodward z katedre sociológie Manchesterskej univerzity.
Krátky popis príspevku:
This paper draws from empirical research in people’s homes in Manchester as part of a larger research project into Dormant Things – things people keep but are not using stashed away in drawers and attics. In the fieldwork, clutter emerged as a particularly interesting phase in the life of things in the home: it was dismissed it as simultaneously ‘just clutter’ – irrelevant and meaningless - but also people talked about how they ‘ought’ to get rid of it. They were embarrassed by their clutter. Popular decluttering discourses mirror and exacerbate this dilemma – making clutter the responsibility or failing of the individual. I argue that these externally generated moralities around clutter intersect with everyday moralities in the home (such as thriftiness, familial values and norms). People are forced to engage with the wastefulness of things, relationships that are challenging through the potency and materiality of clutter. I draw from theories of the potency of things (Douglas, 1966 and Thomspon, 1979) on the disruptive potential of clutter and consider how clutter – as it accumulates – has the power to affect people.
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