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The Global Smartphone
V stredu 14.4.2021 o 13.30 sa uskutoční ústavný seminár SÚ SAV. Seminár prebehne online v angličtine.
S prednáškou The Global Smartphone na ňom vystúpi profesor Daniel Miller z University College London
Krátky popis príspevku: This seminar will present the findings of a five year project called ASSA which stands for the Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing. The project started in 2017 and the research comprised eleven researchers who each spent 16 months living with communities in Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Al Quds, Uganda. There were three main aims to the research. The first was looking at the uses and consequences of the smartphone in order to develop new theoretical and other perspectives on what the smartphone is and how we transform it through processes we call smart-from-below. The second object was to consider the way smartphones have changed the lives of older people. The third was to study the field of mHealth and the potential of smartphones in relation to the health of older people around the world.
Link na online pripojenie: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85297878666?pwd=c3BhR00wOUd3c2piQjFZWDRTTXU2Zz09