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Autor Emma Dowling
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Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieThe care crisis / Emma Dowling
Názov : The care crisis : what caused it and how can we end it? / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Emma Dowling Údaje o vydaní (edition statement): First edition paperback. Stránkovanie: 250 pages Veľkosť: 22 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-1-7866-3034-6 Číslo MDT: 362.10941 Abstrakt: "Emma Dowling examines the care crisis in the UK, looking at the changes to the care system over the last decade. Dowling gives an account not only of the impact of austerity measures on care provision in the UK but also of the underlying logic of neoliberalism driving the crisis"-- The care crisis : what caused it and how can we end it? / [printed text] / Emma Dowling . - First edition paperback. . - [s.d.] . - 250 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-7866-3034-6
Číslo MDT: 362.10941 Abstrakt: "Emma Dowling examines the care crisis in the UK, looking at the changes to the care system over the last decade. Dowling gives an account not only of the impact of austerity measures on care provision in the UK but also of the underlying logic of neoliberalism driving the crisis"-- Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S14528 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Vypožičané do 03/19/2022