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Library items with class number 303.3/72
Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieA theory of system justification / John T. Jost
Názov : A theory of system justification Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: John T. Jost Vydavateľ: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press Dátum vydania: 2020 Stránkovanie: 385 pages ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-0-674-24465-8 Jazyky : English (eng) Číslo MDT: 303.3/72 Abstrakt: "Psychologist John T. Jost has spent decades researching poor people who vote for policies of inequality and women who think men deserve higher salaries. He argues that the persecuted often justify and defend the very social systems that oppress them because doing so serves a fundamental need for certainty, security, and social acceptance"-- A theory of system justification [printed text] / John T. Jost . - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2020 . - 385 pages.
ISBN : 978-0-674-24465-8
Jazyky : English (eng)
Číslo MDT: 303.3/72 Abstrakt: "Psychologist John T. Jost has spent decades researching poor people who vote for policies of inequality and women who think men deserve higher salaries. He argues that the persecuted often justify and defend the very social systems that oppress them because doing so serves a fundamental need for certainty, security, and social acceptance"-- Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S14433 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Vypožičané do 07/04/2021 Toward an anthropological theory of value / David Graeber
Názov : Toward an anthropological theory of value : the false coin of our own dreams / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: David Graeber Vydavateľ: New York : Palgrave Dátum vydania: 2001 Stránkovanie: xiii, 337 p. Veľkosť: 22 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-0-312-24045-5 Jazyky : English (eng) Číslo MDT: 303.3/72 Abstrakt: Toward an anthropological theory of value : the false coin of our own dreams / [printed text] / David Graeber . - New York : Palgrave, 2001 . - xiii, 337 p. ; 22 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-312-24045-5
Jazyky : English (eng)
Číslo MDT: 303.3/72 Abstrakt: Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S14536 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Vypožičané do 03/19/2022