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Autor Phil Macnaghten
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Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieContested natures / Phil Macnaghten
Názov : Contested natures Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Phil Macnaghten ; John Urry Vydavateľ: London : SAGE Publications Dátum vydania: 1998 Stránkovanie: 1 online resource (viii, 307 pages) Layout: illustrations ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-1-84860-931-0 Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: 'Contested Natures' explores the changing significance of nature in daily life, with the aim of demonstrating that nature is irreducibly contested and embedded in highly diverse and ambivalent social practices. Contested natures [printed text] / Phil Macnaghten ; John Urry . - London : SAGE Publications, 1998 . - 1 online resource (viii, 307 pages) : illustrations.
ISBN : 978-1-84860-931-0
Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: 'Contested Natures' explores the changing significance of nature in daily life, with the aim of demonstrating that nature is irreducibly contested and embedded in highly diverse and ambivalent social practices. Rezervovať
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