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Autor Michael Rozenberg
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Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieThe measurement of the economic absorption of Israel's new immigrant sector from a national point of view, / Michael Rozenberg
Názov : The measurement of the economic absorption of Israel's new immigrant sector from a national point of view, Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Michael Rozenberg Vydavateľ: Jerusalem : Hebrew University, Eliezer Kaplan School of Economics and Social Sciences Dátum vydania: 1958 Series: Studies in economic absorption on mass immigration Stránkovanie: 156 p. Číslo MDT: 338.4/7/30145095694 Abstrakt: The measurement of the economic absorption of Israel's new immigrant sector from a national point of view, [printed text] / Michael Rozenberg . - Hebrew University, Eliezer Kaplan School of Economics and Social Sciences, 1958 . - 156 p.. - (Studies in economic absorption on mass immigration) .
Číslo MDT: 338.4/7/30145095694 Abstrakt: Rezervovať
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