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Autor Hans-Joachim Hoffmann-Nowotny
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Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieMigration / Hans-Joachim Hoffmann-Nowotny
Názov : Migration : Ein Beitr. zu e. soziolog. Erklärung. Mit 14 Abb. u. 38 Tab Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Hans-Joachim Hoffmann-Nowotny Vydavateľ: Stuttgart : Enke Dátum vydania: 1970 Stránkovanie: viii, 155 p. Layout: illus Veľkosť: 25 cm Všeobecná poznámka: Based on a study: Internationale und nationale Wanderungen, pt. 1, on which the author worked in connection with a research project at the University of Zürich 1966-69. Cf. pref. Abstrakt: Based on a study: Internationale und nationale Wanderungen, pt. 1, on which the author worked in connection with a research project at the University of Zürich 1966-69. Cf. pref. Migration : Ein Beitr. zu e. soziolog. Erklärung. Mit 14 Abb. u. 38 Tab [printed text] / Hans-Joachim Hoffmann-Nowotny . - Stuttgart : Enke, 1970 . - viii, 155 p. : illus ; 25 cm.
Based on a study: Internationale und nationale Wanderungen, pt. 1, on which the author worked in connection with a research project at the University of Zürich 1966-69. Cf. pref.
Abstrakt: Based on a study: Internationale und nationale Wanderungen, pt. 1, on which the author worked in connection with a research project at the University of Zürich 1966-69. Cf. pref. Rezervovať
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