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Autor Maurice Duverger
Dostupné dokumenty od tohoto autora
Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieIntroduction to the social sciences / Maurice Duverger
Názov : Introduction to the social sciences : with special reference to their methods / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Maurice Duverger Vydavateľ: London : G. Allen & Unwin Dátum vydania: 1964 Stránkovanie: 342 p. Layout: ill., maps Veľkosť: 21 cm Všeobecná poznámka: Translation of: Méthodes des sciences sociales, first published in 1959 under title: Méthodes de la science politique. Abstrakt: Translation of: Méthodes des sciences sociales, first published in 1959 under title: Méthodes de la science politique. Introduction to the social sciences : with special reference to their methods / [printed text] / Maurice Duverger . - London : G. Allen & Unwin, 1964 . - 342 p. : ill., maps ; 21 cm.
Translation of: Méthodes des sciences sociales, first published in 1959 under title: Méthodes de la science politique.
Abstrakt: Translation of: Méthodes des sciences sociales, first published in 1959 under title: Méthodes de la science politique. Rezervovať
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