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Autor University of Liverpool
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Spresnite vaše vyhľadávaniePenelope Hall's social services of England and Wales / Penelope Hall
Názov : Penelope Hall's social services of England and Wales Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Penelope Hall ; Anthony Forder ; University of Liverpool Údaje o vydaní (edition statement): [New ed.]; Vydavateľ: London : Routledge & K. Paul Dátum vydania: 1969 Stránkovanie: xxvii, 324 p. Veľkosť: 23 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 0-7100-6318-0 Všeobecná poznámka: A revised and rewritten edition of the author's The social services of modern England. Číslo MDT: 361.6/0942 Abstrakt: A revised and rewritten edition of the author's The social services of modern England. Penelope Hall's social services of England and Wales [printed text] / Penelope Hall ; Anthony Forder ; University of Liverpool . - [New ed.]; . - London : Routledge & K. Paul, 1969 . - xxvii, 324 p. ; 23 cm.
ISBN : 0-7100-6318-0
A revised and rewritten edition of the author's The social services of modern England.
Číslo MDT: 361.6/0942 Abstrakt: A revised and rewritten edition of the author's The social services of modern England. Rezervovať
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