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Autor International Labour Office
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Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieHuman resources for industrial development / International Labour Office
Názov : Human resources for industrial development : some aspects of policy and planning / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: International Labour Office Vydavateľ: Geneva : International Labour Office Dátum vydania: 1967 Stránkovanie: vi, 237 p. Veľkosť: 24 cm Všeobecná poznámka: Papers prepared by the International Labour Office for an international symposium planned by the newly established United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. Číslo MDT: 331.1/14 Abstrakt: Papers prepared by the International Labour Office for an international symposium planned by the newly established United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. Human resources for industrial development : some aspects of policy and planning / [printed text] / International Labour Office . - Geneva : International Labour Office, 1967 . - vi, 237 p. ; 24 cm.
Papers prepared by the International Labour Office for an international symposium planned by the newly established United Nations Industrial Development Organisation.
Číslo MDT: 331.1/14 Abstrakt: Papers prepared by the International Labour Office for an international symposium planned by the newly established United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status A2177 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné International standard classification of occupations / International Labour Office
Názov : International standard classification of occupations Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: International Labour Office Údaje o vydaní (edition statement): Rev. ed. 1968. Vydavateľ: Geneva : ILO Dátum vydania: 1969 Stránkovanie: 355 p. Veľkosť: 28 cm Abstrakt: International standard classification of occupations [printed text] / International Labour Office . - Rev. ed. 1968. . - Geneva : ILO, 1969 . - 355 p. ; 28 cm.
Abstrakt: Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S4661 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné Shift work / Marc Maurice
Názov : Shift work : economic advantages and social costs / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Marc Maurice ; International Labour Office Vydavateľ: Geneva : International Labour Office Dátum vydania: 1975 Stránkovanie: iv, 146 p. Veľkosť: 24 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 92-210-1095-3 Číslo MDT: 331.2/572 Abstrakt: Shift work : economic advantages and social costs / [printed text] / Marc Maurice ; International Labour Office . - Geneva : International Labour Office, 1975 . - iv, 146 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 92-210-1095-3
Číslo MDT: 331.2/572 Abstrakt: Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S5792 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné Technology for freedom / International Labour Office
Názov : Technology for freedom : man in his environment, the ILO contribution Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: International Labour Office ; International Labour Conference Dátum vydania: 1972 Stránkovanie: 58 p. Veľkosť: 24 cm Všeobecná poznámka: At head of title: International Labour Conference, fifty-seventh session, Geneva 1972. Číslo MDT: 301.24/3 Abstrakt: At head of title: International Labour Conference, fifty-seventh session, Geneva 1972. Technology for freedom : man in his environment, the ILO contribution [printed text] / International Labour Office ; International Labour Conference . - 1972 . - 58 p. ; 24 cm.
At head of title: International Labour Conference, fifty-seventh session, Geneva 1972.
Číslo MDT: 301.24/3 Abstrakt: At head of title: International Labour Conference, fifty-seventh session, Geneva 1972. Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S4206 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné Women workers and society / International Labour Office
Názov : Women workers and society : international perspectives / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: International Labour Office Vydavateľ: Geneva : International Labour Office Dátum vydania: 1976 Stránkovanie: vii, 211 p. Veľkosť: 24 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 92-210-1483-5 Všeobecná poznámka: A collection of recommendations adopted and materials gathered during International Women's Year. Abstrakt: A collection of recommendations adopted and materials gathered during International Women's Year. Women workers and society : international perspectives / [printed text] / International Labour Office . - Geneva : International Labour Office, 1976 . - vii, 211 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 92-210-1483-5
A collection of recommendations adopted and materials gathered during International Women's Year.
Abstrakt: A collection of recommendations adopted and materials gathered during International Women's Year. Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S6704 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné Working environment / International Labour Office
Názov : Working environment : sixth item on the agenda Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: International Labour Office ; International Labour Conference Vydavateľ: Geneva : International Labour Office Dátum vydania: 1976 Stránkovanie: 109 s. Veľkosť: 24 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-92-210-1366-2 Všeobecná poznámka: At head of title: International Labour Conference, 61st Session, 1976. "Report VI (1)-(2)." Číslo MDT: 362.1 Abstrakt: At head of title: International Labour Conference, 61st Session, 1976. "Report VI (1)-(2)." Working environment : sixth item on the agenda [printed text] / International Labour Office ; International Labour Conference . - Geneva : International Labour Office, 1976 . - 109 s. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-92-210-1366-2
At head of title: International Labour Conference, 61st Session, 1976. "Report VI (1)-(2)."
Číslo MDT: 362.1 Abstrakt: At head of title: International Labour Conference, 61st Session, 1976. "Report VI (1)-(2)." Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S6702 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné