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[periodikum] Pozrieť dostupné čísla
Názov : Social Forces : An International Journal of Social Research Associated with the Southern Sociological Society Typ dokumentu: printed text Vydavateľ: University of North Carolina Press ISBN (alebo iný kód): 0037-7732 Jazyky : English (eng) Contents note: Founded in 1922, Social Forces is a renowned journal of sociological research associated with the Southern Sociological Society. It highlights sociological inquiry but also explores realms shared with social psychology, anthropology, political science, history, and economics. Each issue usually includes ten to fourteen articles, twenty to twenty-five full book reviews, and five to ten "take note" reviews. Social Forces is widely circulated in the US and over one hundred foreign countries. Link for e-copy: [...] [periodikum] Pozrieť dostupné čísla Social Forces : An International Journal of Social Research Associated with the Southern Sociological Society [printed text] . - [S.l.] : University of North Carolina Press.
ISSN : 0037-7732
Jazyky : English (eng)
Contents note: Founded in 1922, Social Forces is a renowned journal of sociological research associated with the Southern Sociological Society. It highlights sociological inquiry but also explores realms shared with social psychology, anthropology, political science, history, and economics. Each issue usually includes ten to fourteen articles, twenty to twenty-five full book reviews, and five to ten "take note" reviews. Social Forces is widely circulated in the US and over one hundred foreign countries. Link for e-copy: [...] Porn work / Heather Berg
Názov : Porn work : sex, labor, and late capitalism / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Heather Berg Vydavateľ: University of North Carolina Press Dátum vydania: 2021 Stránkovanie: 244 pages Veľkosť: 25 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-1-469-66192-6 Jazyky : English (eng) Číslo MDT: 306.77/10973 Abstrakt: "Every porn scene is a record of people at work. But on-camera labor is only the beginning of the story. Part labor history, part ethnography illuminating the lives of the performers who work in the medium, 'Porn Work' takes readers behind the scenes to explore what porn performers think of their work and how they intervene to hack it. It tells a story of crafty workers, faltering managers, and shifting solidarities"-- Porn work : sex, labor, and late capitalism / [printed text] / Heather Berg . - [S.l.] : University of North Carolina Press, 2021 . - 244 pages ; 25 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-469-66192-6
Jazyky : English (eng)
Číslo MDT: 306.77/10973 Abstrakt: "Every porn scene is a record of people at work. But on-camera labor is only the beginning of the story. Part labor history, part ethnography illuminating the lives of the performers who work in the medium, 'Porn Work' takes readers behind the scenes to explore what porn performers think of their work and how they intervene to hack it. It tells a story of crafty workers, faltering managers, and shifting solidarities"-- Rezervovať
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