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Autor Gail Wilson
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Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieGive and take in families / Julia Brannen ; Gail Wilson
Názov : Give and take in families : studies in resource distribution / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Julia Brannen ; Gail Wilson Vydavateľ: London : Allen & Unwin Dátum vydania: 1987 Stránkovanie: xi, 209 p Veľkosť: 23 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 0-04-301251-5 Všeobecná poznámka: Based on the work of a study group meeting from 1982 to 1986 at the University of London Institute of Education Abstrakt: Based on the work of a study group meeting from 1982 to 1986 at the University of London Institute of Education Give and take in families : studies in resource distribution / [printed text] / Julia Brannen ; Gail Wilson . - London : Allen & Unwin, 1987 . - xi, 209 p ; 23 cm.
ISBN : 0-04-301251-5
Based on the work of a study group meeting from 1982 to 1986 at the University of London Institute of Education
Abstrakt: Based on the work of a study group meeting from 1982 to 1986 at the University of London Institute of Education Rezervovať
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