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Library items with class number 304.2
Spresnite vaše vyhľadávanieContested natures / Phil Macnaghten
Názov : Contested natures Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Phil Macnaghten ; John Urry Vydavateľ: London : SAGE Publications Dátum vydania: 1998 Stránkovanie: 1 online resource (viii, 307 pages) Layout: illustrations ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-1-84860-931-0 Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: 'Contested Natures' explores the changing significance of nature in daily life, with the aim of demonstrating that nature is irreducibly contested and embedded in highly diverse and ambivalent social practices. Contested natures [printed text] / Phil Macnaghten ; John Urry . - London : SAGE Publications, 1998 . - 1 online resource (viii, 307 pages) : illustrations.
ISBN : 978-1-84860-931-0
Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: 'Contested Natures' explores the changing significance of nature in daily life, with the aim of demonstrating that nature is irreducibly contested and embedded in highly diverse and ambivalent social practices. Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status UKSAVsavukS131998 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné Hybrid geographies / Sarah Whatmore
Názov : Hybrid geographies : natures, cultures, spaces / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Sarah Whatmore Údaje o vydaní (edition statement): reprinted 2006 Vydavateľ: London : SAGE Dátum vydania: 2002 Stránkovanie: xiii, 225 p. Layout: ill., maps Veľkosť: 24cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-0-7619-6567-1 Všeobecná poznámka: ISBN 13 appears in 2006 reprint. Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: ISBN 13 appears in 2006 reprint. Hybrid geographies : natures, cultures, spaces / [printed text] / Sarah Whatmore . - reprinted 2006 . - London : SAGE, 2002 . - xiii, 225 p. : ill., maps ; 24cm.
ISBN : 978-0-7619-6567-1
ISBN 13 appears in 2006 reprint.
Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: ISBN 13 appears in 2006 reprint. Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S13917 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Vypožičané do 07/05/2021 Nature performed / Bronislaw Szerszynski ; Wallace Heim ; Claire Waterton
Názov : Nature performed : environment, culture and performance / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Bronislaw Szerszynski ; Wallace Heim ; Claire Waterton Vydavateľ: Oxford : Blackwell Pub./Sociological Review Dátum vydania: 2003 Stránkovanie: vi, 226 p. Layout: ill. Veľkosť: 23 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 1-405-11464-9 Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: Nature performed : environment, culture and performance / [printed text] / Bronislaw Szerszynski ; Wallace Heim ; Claire Waterton . - Oxford : Blackwell Pub./Sociological Review, 2003 . - vi, 226 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
ISBN : 1-405-11464-9
Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S11927 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Vypožičané do 12/31/2017 New natures / Dolly Jorgensen ; Finn Arne Jorgensen ; Sara B. Pritchard
Názov : New natures : joining environmental history with science and technology studies / Typ dokumentu: printed text Autori: Dolly Jorgensen ; Finn Arne Jorgensen ; Sara B. Pritchard Vydavateľ: Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press Dátum vydania: 2013 Stránkovanie: viii, 292 p. Layout: ill. Veľkosť: 24 cm ISBN (alebo iný kód): 978-0-8229-6242-7 Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: "New Natures broadens the dialogue between the disciplines of science and technology studies (STS) and environmental history in hopes of deepening and even transforming understandings of human-nature interactions. The volume presents historical studies that engage with key STS theories, offering models for how these theories can help crystallize central lessons from empirical histories, facilitate comparative analysis, and provide a language for complicated historical phenomena. Overall, the collection exemplifies the fruitfulness of cross-disciplinary thinking"-- New natures : joining environmental history with science and technology studies / [printed text] / Dolly Jorgensen ; Finn Arne Jorgensen ; Sara B. Pritchard . - Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013 . - viii, 292 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-8229-6242-7
Číslo MDT: 304.2 Abstrakt: "New Natures broadens the dialogue between the disciplines of science and technology studies (STS) and environmental history in hopes of deepening and even transforming understandings of human-nature interactions. The volume presents historical studies that engage with key STS theories, offering models for how these theories can help crystallize central lessons from empirical histories, facilitate comparative analysis, and provide a language for complicated historical phenomena. Overall, the collection exemplifies the fruitfulness of cross-disciplinary thinking"-- Rezervovať
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Čiarový kód Signatúra Typ dokumentu Umiestnenie Sekcia Status S13912 S Kniha Knižnica SÚ SAV Monografie Dostupné