Subjective Perception of the Environmental Values in Slovakia
Project: VEGA 2/0120/20
Principal Investigator: Mgr. Katarína Strapcová, PhD.
Scientific co-workers: Mgr. Milan Zeman, PhDr. Bohumil Búzik, PhD., PhDr. Kusá Zuzana CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2022
Along with the scientific and technological development of modern societies, concerns about the state of the environment and its negative impact on human health are becoming increasingly urgent. Sociologists are increasingly considering the impact of ecological risks on social life, describing in detail the new conditions of human existence in the era of so-called global civilization risks, which in the process of modernization produce new conflicts and types of inequalities. At the same time, theoretic concepts related to universal threats to ecological risks necessitate exploring how the environmental problems resonate in public opinion. In Slovakia, we have a relatively large amount of data related to the environment, especially from international research (ISSP, EVS, Eurobarometer). One of the main objectives of the project is a complex comparative analysis of the key environmental values and attitudes, as well as the development after 1989.