Our flagship journal since 1969

Basic information | Aims and mission | On-line content |
Information for authors | Information for subscribers | Contact
Basic information
Sociológia (SK ISSN 0049 - 1225, electronic version ISSN 1336-8613) is published bimonthly by the Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The journal has been published without interruption since 1969. Since 1997, there have been six issues annually either in Slovak or in English.Contents, abstracts and full texts are available on the SAS web page.
Editor-in-chief: Jozef Zagrapan
Editors: Katarína Moravanská a Petr Mezihorák
Editorial assistant: Milan Zeman
Impact Factor: 0.8
Source: 2023 Journal Citation Reports ® (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
Editorial Board
Dilbar Alieva, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Miloslav Bahna, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Monika Čambáliková, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Roman Džambazovič, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; Andrej Findor, Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; Daniel Gerbery, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; Oľga Gyárfášová, Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; Karen Henderson, Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; Ivan Chorvát, Department of Social Studies and Ethnology, Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia; Tomáš Katrňák, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic; Robert Klobucký, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Tomáš Kostelecký, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic; Luca Kristóf, Institute for Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary; Karin Liebhart, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria; Jana Lindbloom, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Ľudmila Malíková, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Art, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia; Silvia Miháliková, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Katarína Moravanská, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Annalisa Murgia, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan, Italy; Andrew Penner, School of Social Sciences, University of California, Irvine, USA; Heiko Pleines, East European Studies, University of Bremen, Germany; Marek Skovajsa, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; Jana Strussová, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Peter Spáč, Department of Political Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic; Claire Wallace, School of Social Science, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom; Jozef Zagrapan, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Jan Zielonka, European Studies Centre, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Aims and mission
Sociológia publishes original peer-reviewed articles covering a wide area of sociological thought and research. It provides a space for debates about current social issues in Slovak, European and world society.The journal is indexed in:
- Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L)
- Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (CSA / ProQuest)
- Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)
- Scopus (Elsevier)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
- Social Services Abstracts (CSA / ProQuest)
- Sociological Abstracts (CSA / ProQuest)
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (CSA / ProQuest)
- and other databases
Information for authors
Manuscript submission
The journal welcomes contributions in Slovak, English or Czech. Papers have to be submitted in electronic form only in MS Word or Open Office format. Name, academic affiliations, contact details and references in the paper that could lead to the identification of the author have to be provided on a separate sheet. Please e-mail your submissions to socuedit@savba.sk. Submitted manuscripts must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Manuscript preparation
The standard length of articles is 6000 to 9000 words ( including, abstract, text, appendices, footnotes and
references) and 750 to 2500 words for reviews. Submitted articles have to be accompanied by a 200 word English language abstract, English title, key words, reference list and short biographical information for every author.
Reference style
The reference list should be prepared according to the journal standards in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. Some examples of the preferred references style:
- DŽAMBAZOVIČ, R. – GERBERY, D., 2018: Medzigeneračná sociálna mobilita na Slovensku. Sociológia 50(4): 396-428. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/sociologia.2018.50.4.16
- BÚZIK, B., 2000: Zjavenie sa modernizácie v slovenskej sociológii. Sociológia 32(4): 385-390.
- KLOBUCKÝ, R. − MRVA, M., 2019: Vývoj spoločenskej dôvery. In: Rabušic, L., Kusá, Z., Manea, Ch. B., Strapcová, K. (eds.): Odděleně spolu? Česko a Slovensko optikou vývoje hodnot po roce 1991. Bratislava: Slovart.
- LAIFEROVÁ, E. – MISTRÍKOVÁ, Ľ. – CAPÍKOVÁ, S. – LUBELCOVÁ, G. – ECKEROVÁ, L., 2018: Slovenská sociológia po páde komunizmu. Ideové korene, súčasné trendy a osobnosti vedy. 2. upravené a rozšírené vydanie. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského. 276 s. ISBN 978-80-223-4271-1.
All papers are initially scrutinized by the editor. Those which meet the scientific and editorial standards of the journal are subject of a double-blind peer-review. The final decision about the publication of a submitted article is approved by the editors, possibly by the editorial board. The journal reserves the right to make published contributions available in electronic or another form.
Information for subscribers
The annual subscription fee (without delivery costs) is 30,- Euro. The price of a single issue is 5.- Euro.The journal is published by the Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The print version of the journal is available also in the VEDA bookstore on Štefánikova street no. 3 in Bratislava. Sociológia is also available in electronic format on the SAS webpage and in the CEEOL database.
The journal is distributed by:
Slovak Academic Press, spol. s r. o.
P.O.BOX 57
810 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
E-mail: sap@sappress.sk
Journal SOCIOLÓGIAKlemensova 19
813 64 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
(4th floor, room no. 99)
Phone: (+421) (2) 52 968 125
Fax: (+421) (2) 52 962 315
E-mail: socuedit@savba.sk