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The Leaky Home - Exploring the integration of smart technologies in the home from an arts and cultural studies’ perspective

Sociologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v. v. i. srdečne pozýva na

7. 6. 2023 o 13.30

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The Leaky Home - Exploring the integration of smart technologies in the home from an arts and cultural studies’ perspective


Dr. Kristin Eva Albrechtsen Haahr Veel (Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Unviersity of Copenhagen)

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Design anthropologist Sarah Pink (2023) notes that if connected smart devices are integrated into the home in order to measure, predict, and ultimately optimise how the home works, then this may be at odds with the way “householders might want to stay in control so that they can make contingent decisions on about when technologies are used” (110). This pinpoints the difficulty of determining where control is situated when we integrate the home with connected devices that learn from and even predict our behaviour. This paper will present two strands of research that I (and my colleagues that the University of Copenhagen) follow in order to explore what happens with the home when it is permeated by smart technologies. On the one hand, we work theoretically with the concept of leakiness as a terminology that can be used to theorize the way in which the home can be regarded as a distributed entity with the integration of more and more smart technologies that can be accessed remotely via a smartphone and which often functions as shared digital devices, accessible by multiple members of a household. On the other hand, we work with artistic practice-based research methodologies to explore the spectrum from everyday to abusive uses of smart technologies in the home. In this way we hope to advance an understanding of the way in which technology contributes to an experience of the home as an entity that is not a bounded, contained, static space, but increasingly decentred, distributed in space, without clear boundaries between the private and the public, work and leisure, safe and unsafe.

Bio Kristin Haahr Veel
My research focuses on the integration of digital technologies into everyday life, its impact on the cultural imagination and the trajectories of cultural history of which it is part. I have a particular interest in the invisibilities and uncertainties that arise from data-tracking and datafication processes and the ways in which they manifest in film, art, literature, architecture, design as well as everyday experiences. My methodologies are grounded in aesthetic and cultural theory but range from computational to practise-based artistic and speculative methodologies. I prefer working collaboratively and across disciplines, and I seek to think academic processes and outputs in new and experimental ways, taking great pride in fostering inclusive and caring research environments. I am currently co-leading the research hub INTERSECT at the University of Copenhagen. My work has been recognised with an honorary Research Fellowship at the Surveillance Studies Centre, Queen’s University, Canada, and with the Lars Arge Award for Young Scientists 2021, awarded by the Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters.