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How Europeans understand solidarity, reciprocity and fairness? Methodological design and first results of a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

V stredu - 9. 11. o 13.30 - pozývame na ústavný seminár. Seminár prebehne hybridnou formou v miestnosti č. 93 a na platforme Zoom

S prednáškou How Europeans understand solidarity, reciprocity and fairness? Methodological design and first results of a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research na ňom vystúpia profesor Hubert Heinelt a PhD kandidát Ján Krotký z Inštitútu politických vied, TU Darmstadt.

Prednáška bude v anglickom jazyku.

Krátky popis príspevku:

The heated debate in the wake of the last EU crises testifies to the unsettled status of reciprocity and solidarity expectations. At the same time, rather little is known about what EU citizens understand by reciprocity, distributive fairness and solidarity, as well as their attitude towards cohesion in the European Union since most of these concepts are measured by quantitative studies and polls such as Eurobarometer. Thus, in our comparative and qualitatively focused project, we explore everyday meanings of solidarity, reciprocity and fairness among EU citizens. We state the following research questions: What is the meaning of solidarity, reciprocity and fairness among EU citizens? What is the reasoning behind the statements in opinion polls? Focus group discussions were conducted to uncover what Europeans mean by solidarity, reciprocity and fairness, assuming their reasoning and understanding are expressed in narratives. In total, 27 focus groups were conducted among particular social groups (milieus) – namely (a) high-skilled, higher-paid persons (‘cosmopolitans’), (b) low-skilled, lower-paid persons and unemployed (‘communitarians’), and (c) young adults (up to 25 years old) from nine countries of the Eurozone (Finland, Germany and the Netherlands; Greece, Portugal and Spain; Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia). In our presentation, we introduce the research design of the project and present preliminary narratives observed in the focus groups, with an emphasis on results from focus groups conducted in Slovakia.

