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From compromise to complicity: Managing the crisis of rule of law at the Council of Europe

V utorok 3. 5. o 13.30 sa uskutoční seminár SÚ SAV. Seminár prebehne hybridnou formou.

S prednáškou

From compromise to complicity: Managing the crisis of rule of law at the Council of Europe

na ňom vystúpi Dr. Jessica Greeneberg z University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign.

Krátky popis príspevku:
I ask how forms of political and legal engagement that took years to build can shift, seemingly overnight and how those shifts reanimate foundational tensions within liberal, democratic institutions. Based on interviews and participant observation at the Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights, I analyze the narrative shifts through which people make sense of extreme violence within a system of human rights and rule of law based in soft power and diplomacy. In particular, I track the ways in which people manage the move from compromise to complicity, and negotiation to sanction in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Russia’s expulsion from the CoE. I argue that coming to terms with the limits of the rule of law has generated new recursive distinctions (of insider and outsider) that are grounded in longstanding tensions between East and West European membership and belonging. Ultimately, I suggest that rule of law as an ethical and political project is bound up with ongoing erasures and forms of power staged through boundary making. I close with reflections on the ethical implications and usefulness of the critique of normative institutions in the face of extreme state violence.

Informácie o prednášajúcej:

Jessica Greenberg is an associate professor of Anthropology at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. She is a political and legal anthropologist whose work is motivated by the everyday life of social movements, as well as the hopes and disappointments that have animated democratic political activism after the Cold War. Her first book, After the Revolution: Youth, Democracy, and the Politics of Disappointment in Serbia was published by Stanford in 2014. Her current research builds on this analysis of democratic practice, activism and power through the lens of human rights and the rule of law at the European Court of Human Rights.

Seminára sa môžete zúčastniť buď prezenčne na Sociologickom Ústave SAV na Klemensovej 19 v miestnosti č. 94, alebo online prostredníctvom platformy ZOOM.

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