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Gender, religion, and identity: Modernization of gender roles among the Bulgarian Muslims (Pomaks)

Sociologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v. v. i. srdečne pozýva na


14.6.2023 o 13.30

S prednáškou

Gender, religion, and identity: Modernization of gender roles among the Bulgarian Muslims (Pomaks)


Dr.  Shaban Darakchi
(Bulharská akadémia vied, hosťujúci vedec na Sociologickom ústave SAV, v.v.i.)

Prednáška bude v anglickom jazyku v miestnosti č. 94 na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave a online na platforme Zoom:
Passcode: 065543

Based on an ethnographic research in a Muslim (Pomak) town in Bulgaria, this study explores the dynamics in the notions of gender roles within three generations. The results show that the modernization of gender roles among the Bulgarian Muslims is not a linear and homogeneous process and differs from other Muslim communities. Although the studied community was isolated for a long time during the socialism under the so called “Rebirth process”, the socialist politics for gender equality have predefined the ideas of gender roles among the second generation of women and they have been transferred to the youngest generation. By comparison, to a previous study of another Pomak community in Bulgaria, claimed to be re-traditionalized by the influence of conservative Arabic organizations, this study demonstrates that the need for ethnic identification of Pomaks has intensified two opposite processes in terms of gender roles in two similar communities and the economic changes are not a single dominant factor in these processes.

Shaban Darakchi
holds a Ph.D. degree in sociology from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His main professional interests are gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and religion in Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. Dr. Darakchi is a researcher at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and an affiliated scholar at the University of Antwerp. He has published one book and 24 articles exploring the intersections of gender and sexuality in Bulgaria. He is currently working on a project investigating the structure and development of non-heterosexual minorities and social movements in Bulgaria using narrative interviews and archives. Between 2019 and 2022 Shaban was a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.